dimanche 29 avril 2012

A Mysterious Caller

A. First calls:

1. Complete call #1:

Girl: Hello.
Mysterious caller: ___________
Girl: _____?
Mysterious caller: Who _____ _______?
Girl: Who are you _________ to ______?
Mysterious caller: What _________ is this?
Girl:What number are _____ _______ to _______?
Mysterious caller: I _______ ________.
Girl:Well, I think you ______ the _______ number.
Mysterious caller:____ __?
Girl:It ________. Take it _______.

2. Complete call #2:

Mysterious caller: I'm ______. I guess I _______ the______ ________.
Girl: So why did you ______ it _______?
Mysterious caller: To ____________.
Girl: You'____ _________. ______ _____.
Mysterious caller: Wait, wait! Don't _______ ____!
Mysterious caller:I want to _____ to you for a ___________.
Girl:They've got 900 _________ for _____. See ______.

3. Find the equivalents in the dialogue above (in the order of the dialogue):

Mots français
English words
Joindre (quelqu'un au téléphone)

Mauvais numéro

Ça arrive

Portez vous bien

Composer (un numéro de téléphone)


Être pardonné

Raccrocher (le téléphone)

Au revoir, à plus

4.Call #2:
  • Why did the stranger call again?
  • What does the girl answer?
  • What does the stranger want at the end of the call?
  • Does the girl accept or not? Justify your answer and rephrase her opinion.

B. Getting to know each other... (call #3):

1. What is the girl making and why?

2. Complete the dialogue
Mysterious caller: What's _____ _________ ______ _________?
Girl: I ________________.
Mysterious caller: You ______ to _____ a favorite. What _______ to ______?
Girl:____________. You know, the one with the ______ in the white ______ who _______ around and ________ babysitters.
Mysterious caller: Yeah!
Girl: What's _______?
Mysterious caller: _________?
Girl: Umm. A ________ on Elm Street
Mysterious caller: Is that the one where the guy had _______ for _________?
Girl: Yeah, Freddy Kruger.
Mysterious caller: Freddy, that's _______! I _______ that ______, it was ______.
Girl: Well, the ______ one was, but the rest _______.

3. Find the equivalents in the dialogue above (in the order of the dialogue):
Mots français
English words
Être obligé de

Venir à l'esprit

Mec, type, bonhomme

Déambuler, errer

Espionner, traquer




Être nul, être ringard

4. What information is the stranger interested in at the end (2 types of information)? Pick out keywords.
5. What is the stranger's last sentence? Compare it with the situation.
6. What is the effect of the last sentence ?

Gap Yah


Gap Yah is a comedy sketch. A student describes to his friend his experiences during his gap year. After each experience, the student “chundered” (= vomited). The video is a parody of British upper-middle-class (= bourgeois) students who speak with funny vowels and who think they are superior because they have already travelled to developping countries.

A. Introduction :
  • Type of document : interview    speech    debate    phone call
  • The student is in ________ on his _____ _______ at the moment. He thinks it's ___________.

B. Memories of his gap year :
He remembers one time, when he was in ________, in _________ (= Tanzania), he _______ this ________ with ____________. She had _______ all around her ________ and she ________ at him with a vacant ________ (= regard) but with an impression of endearing ________, as if to say “You know, despite our ___________, ______ and ____ are _____.” Suddenly, he chundered ____________.

He remembers another time, when he was in _________ ________, in _______ (= Peru). He thinks it's a ____________ country and the people are ____________. He was _________ing in the Andes and the sun was __________. He was getting a _______ of the awesome _________ of _________, when suddenly he just chundered ____________ all over the _________. He made a little _________ (= vomit + volcano).

He mentions one environmental problem : global ___________.

C. Back to the present : 
Now, he is _____ (= encore) on his _____ _______, in _______, on a ___________al, ___________al, ___________al __________. The problem is that he is in ____________ : this experience is a little _________al and de_________ (= rabaissant). There's not much ________. Because of the guards, he chundered ___________.

D. Interpretation of the sketch :
  • How many times did the student “chunder”? 
  • What impression does this repetition create?
  • In your opinion, what does this video mock? What does it denunce?

A Gap Year: only for fun?

A. Introduction : tick the correct answers

For the journalist, a gap year is to spend time □ drinking     □ learning
For the journalist, you should □ drink, then get an education    □ get an education, then drink

B. Tom :
  • Complete the journalist's question and Tom's answer.
    Journalist: So a gap year is all about _________ and bumming __________ (= to take it easy), _______ _____?
    Tom: _____

  • For Tom, when you travel, you should ask yourself two questions. Complete:
    _______ do you ______ to ______?”
    _______ do you ______ to ______ in your _______?”

  • For him, a gap year is really about:
    _____ _____ things you ______ to _____ before you _____.”

  • Give examples of what you can do during your gap year:
    ______ in a nice _______”
    ______ to ____________”
    bungee-_______ (= saut à l'élastique) in New-__________”
    sky-________ (= saut en parachute)”

  • A gap year is your “___________ to ____ and _____ the _________.”
C. Rachel : complete what she says.
    Above all, a gap year ______ you ______ to ___________ on (= think about) what's _______ to you, to ________ new _______, to __________ new _______. It's about __________. People _______ to have ______ and that's absolutely _______ (= acceptable), but because the _______ is such a ____________ place, a gap year can also be used to expose you to new ________, to ______ placements (= stages en entreprise), to ____________, to _____________ : lots of different _____________.”
D. Nick :
  • Nick's first job after finishing school: _______. It lasted (= a duré) a few _________.
  • Then, he want to ___________ for _____ months.
  • Then, he came back to __________ where he worked for ______ months in a _______.
  • Finally, he ______ for _________ for _____ months for the ______ of his gap year.

Another Angle

A. Jason Roberts :
1. Information about Jason Roberts :
  • country of origin : ______________________
  • city : ____________________
  • age : ___________
2. Tick the passages you hear :
  • □ I work in an environment     □ I work for the environment
  • □ it's bad money     □ which is about money
  • □ numbers in streets     □ numbers and screens
3. Use your answers in question 2. to guess Jason's job (1 possible answer) :
□ He works for the environment
□ He works in the financial world
□ He works for television
□ He organizes holidays for other people.

4. Tick the passages you hear :
  • □ I've had experience of...    □ I don't have any experience of...
  • □ helping    □ hoping
  • □ bored     □ boring
  • □ valuable   □ invaluable

5. Use your answers in question 4. to guess what Jason has decided to do during his holiday (two answers):
He has decided  □ to spend it on the beach    □ to do something different      □ to help other people
B. R.M.S. Liberhan :
1. The man's accent shows that he is  □ British    □ American   □ Indian   □ French

2. Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with keywords :
  • People who work in this center have a lot of frustration.
    R/W : _______________________________

  • They study languages only (= seulement).
    R/W : _______________________________

  • This center enables them to have better self-esteem.
    R/W : _______________________________

  • It enables them to broaden their culture.
    R/W : _______________________________

  • It enables them to meet people who have the same origin as them.
    R/W : _______________________________

C. Jason Roberts (reprise) :

1. Tick the correct answer :
We've had presentations (= exposés) on the history of □ India   □ Hindi
We've had □ India   □ Hindi lessons.

2. Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with keywords :
  • Jason hasn't made new friends.
    R/W : _______________________________

  • Jason doesn't encourage people to join this project.
    R/W : _______________________________

  • This project teaches you new things.
    R/W : _______________________________

  • It enables you to break your normal routine.
    R/W : _______________________________

samedi 28 avril 2012

The Advantages of a Gap Year

A. Introduction :
  • type of document: □ interview    □ speech    □ report     □ debate
  • number of speakers: ________
  • the video takes place: □ in a primary school    □ in a secondary school    □ in a university
  • type of accent: □ American    □ British

B. Speaker 1 :
  • 360 corresponds to the number of _____ _____ _____________ in the country.
  • Pick out 3 types of “projects”:
    1. _______________ projects
    2. _________ _____________
    3. ____________ projects
  • Name of the city where the video takes place : ______________
  • Percent of students who take a gap year : ________ %
  • They may take a gap year □ proud of □ prior to (= before) joining university.
C. Speaker 2 :
  • Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with keywords :
    1. Julia likes gap years.
      R/W : _______________________________
    1. She has never taken a gap year.
      R/W : _______________________________
  • Complete :
    “I think that if you've _____ __________ you _______ to ______ in the year _________ you _______ to university, you _________ _____ it. And a lot of ________ who want to _______ a ___________ degree (= licence) actually want to _____ off and __________ and perhaps _________ on a _____________ __________.”
  • Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with keywords :
    1. For Julia, a gap year enables you to get prepared for university.
      R/W : _______________________________
    1. Julia thinks you should go on a gap year if you are motivated.
      R/W : _______________________________
D. Speaker 3 :
  • For Austen, a gap year enables you to be more __________ and to ________ better with the programme.
  • For Austen, there □ is   □ isn't      a difference between normal students and gap-year students.
  • At this university, a gap year is □ a necessity    □ an option     during admissions.

E. Speaker 4 :
  • Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with keywords :
  1. Alice encourages you to take a gap year.
R/W : _______________________________
  1. She knew what she wanted to do in her future.
R/W : _______________________________
  1. She went to Nigeria.
R/W : _______________________________
  1. She had a salary.
R/W : _______________________________
  1. She was a teacher.
R/W : _______________________________
  1. It lasted (= a duré) 16 months.
R/W : _______________________________
  1. Alice thinks this experience was very special.
R/W : _______________________________
  • Complete :
    It's _________ obviously _________ improve my ____. I _____ an __________ experience while I ______ out ______, and I _______ it really ________ me.”
  • Name one skill (= compétence) that Alice learnt: _____________________
  • Complete :
    My gap year has ______ me ______ of __________, you can _______ the first _______ at university who has ________ a gap year and who __________.” 
  • After a gap year, students are more _________ active and more ___________ (= spontanés).

mardi 24 avril 2012

What is a gap year?

A. Introduction

1) What type of document is it?  
a. poem
b. interview 
c. speech 
d. song

2) Number of speakers: _____

3) Theme of the document?
a. The Comenius program 
b. English schools 
c. Taking a gap year

4) What information does the journalist want to know? _____________________________

5) Imagine you are interviewed. Make a list of words (that you heard or not):


 B. What is a gap year?

1) Find two similar expressions to characterize a gap year (beginning of Speaker-1 and end of Speaker-2):

Speaker-1: _____________________            Speaker-2: _____________________

2) According to Speaker-1, why do people go on a gap year? (pour +Verbe = in order to)


3) Find the correct spelling for ɪks'pɪriəns (end of Speaker 1): ______________________

C. Why a gap year?

1) According to Speaker-2, what does a gap year enable (= permet) you to do? Pick out expressions:


2) Speaker-2 and Speaker-3 mention 3 different life phases. Write them:

__________________________  __________________________  __________________________

3) Listen again to Speaker-2 and complete:

"I guess it could ________ different ________ based on the _____ and the
________. It could ___ a ____ ________ between ________ and ________, it could be a 
gap from ________ itself, from ________. It could ___ a gap before ________ __ ____ as well."

4) Circle the correct answer:
Taking a gap year is important for Speaker-3 because: 
a. she can't make a decision  
b. it will help her make a life-long decision
c. she has no decision to make

5) What will it enable her to do? Pick out expressions:


The original video (which is more difficult)